Carrick Camino

Date : Aug  26 -  Jun 26 2023
Time : All Day

Carrick on Shannon Chamber of Commerce will host our third annual Carrick Camino event on Saturday the 26th of August. Our first event was in 2021 and was planned and organised on zoom calls during the depths of the Covid Lock Downs amid great uncertainty. Even through we were advised by most to cancel it we ran a very safe and enjoyable event which sold out at 600 participants. 2022 was our second effortand we sold out at 1,100 participants. we are well on the way to a sell out event in 2023 and we really looking forward to welcoming you all. Its a huge community effort and we put a lot of weight on giving our walkers the best experience we can. Tickets are available at…/carrick-camino-2023-tickets…